Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Burrs, bearings, and bicycle powered maizemills

Today we started off with a breakfast of Malawi Sweet Potatoes. Then we went to the machinist to check on our parts. We still have yet to show any physical evidence of a maize mill but they should hopefully be done by tomorrow. After the machinist we split up and Emma and Torrey went material shopping while Jojo, Maggie, and Liz went to the community.

In the community we bought a round of donuts for everyone and then began working on a phone charger. Today we were experimenting with a generator called a dynamo which is used to produce bicycle powered bike lights.
We are still deciding whether to use a drill or a dynamo for our phone charger.

For lunch we had giant bowls of nsima and chicken which we helped prepare. After lunch we left the community and got a second round of donuts and then came home to more donuts at the lodge. It was a donut filled day.

- Jojo and the team

1 comment:

  1. A Team,

    Excited to read you all are experimenting with a charging feature. Apart from the obvious benefits, what a great introduction to electro-mechanical systems. Eagerly await the next update. Good luck!

